Algebraic Coding and Cryptography
Seminar Series
Online Event
ACCESS is a joint effort designed to highlight world-class research in coding theory, cryptography, and related areas and to encourage collaboration among its participants.
Next seminar
Mar 18
Mar 18
Rocco Mora
Product of codes and cryptanalysis of the code equivalence problem
Abstract. This talk explores the use of the component-wise product of linear spaces for solving instances of the code equivalence problem.
After recalling the necessary mathematical tools, we review cryptographic motivations and relevant prior work in cryptanalysis. We then demonstrate how the product of codes can be effectively leveraged to address hard instances of both the permutation and monomial variants of the code equivalence problem, provided that the code dimension is sufficiently small.
We highlight the strengths of these techniques and discuss strategies to possibly overcome their limitations.
Biography. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at CISPA - Helmholtz Center for Information Security (Germany) in the Algorithmic Cryptology group led by Antoine Joux. Before, I have been a PhD student in the project-team COSMIQ at Inria Paris (France), working under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Tillich. My current research interests lie primarily in the areas of post-quantum cryptography, algebraic coding theory and symbolic computation.