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Cyber Insecurity: Exploring Vulnerabilities of Artificial Intelligence Through Visual Art

Researchers will create an exhibit featuring interactive installations, photography, sculpture, and digital art to spark awareness of the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of Artificial Intelligence (Al) systems and provoke discussion around AI’s ethical implications.

Project funded by the CCI Hub

Project Investigators

Principal Investigator (PI): Marlena Jarboe, Dean of Academic Affairs and Director, Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC) Cybersecurity Center

Co-PI: Jennifer Whitmore, Director of Programming, BRCC Workforce & Continuing Education, Gallery Director, Fine Arts Center, and visual artist

Co-PI: Daniel O'Brien, Instructor, BRCC Cybersecurity

Co-PI: Harpreet Panesar, Professor, BRCC Biology, Co-Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Co-PI: Jerome Sturm, Adjunct Professor, BRCC Art and Digital Photography

Rationale and Background

Artificial intelligence technology is rapidly advancing and becoming more integrated into various aspects of our lives. 

While Al holds great promise, it also presents significant cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities. 

Researchers will create a visual art exhibit to highlight these critical issues, as well as spark conversations around Al security and ethical concerns. 


The exhibit will unite a diverse group of local artists working in various mediums to create thought-provoking works of art that explore the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of Al systems. 

The exhibit will include:

  • Sculptures and installations that depict the physical and digital manifestations of Al vulnerabilities, such as hacked autonomous vehicles, compromised facial recognition systems, and manipulated deep fake content.
  • Interactive art installations that allow visitors to engage with Al systems and experience potential security flaws, such as biased Al decision-making, unauthorized access to personal data, and susceptibility to adversarial attacks.
  • Photography and digital art that captures the human experience and impact of Al vulnerabilities, highlighting ethical dilemmas and societal consequences. 
  • A digitally recorded dance program to illustrate cybersecurity risks associated with methods of deceiving AI.

Projected Outcomes

  • Enable the establishment of an interdisciplinary platform to promote dialogue and understanding between the arts and cybersecurity communities. 
  • Empower creative minds to explore the complexities of cybersecurity through artistic expression, fostering a more informed and engaged public. 
  • Raise public awareness of the cybersecurity vulnerabilities inherent in Al systems and the potential consequences of these vulnerabilities.
  • Engage visitors in thought-provoking conversations about the ethical implications of Al technology and the importance of security concerns.
  • Foster collaboration between artists, technologists, students, business owners, and policymakers to inspire solutions to AI’s cybersecurity challenges.
  • Generate educational materials, such as artist talks, panel discussions, and supplementary content to engage a wider audience and facilitate an ongoing dialogue on Al and cybersecurity.