Virginia Researchers: Role of Cybersecurity in the Spread of Disinformation and Misinformation Workshop

Friday, February 26, 2021
1 – 2 PM EST
This workshop is for Virginia researchers who are interested in participating in a multidisciplinary project about the role of cybersecurity in the spread of disinformation and misinformation.
Virginia's Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) has issued a call for proposals from multi-disciplinary teams in the CCI network to conduct research on how cybersecurity and artificial intelligence tools and concepts may help to limit, deter, or stop the creation and spread of disinformation and misinformation. (
This workshop is an opportunity to learn more about the call for proposals, find collaborators, and engage with subject matter experts about this crucial topic. The webinar will outline the objectives and requirements of the call for proposals and answer questions from researchers in CCI-affiliated institutions. We will also hold a panel with researchers who are currently engaged in issues of disinformation and misinformation.
1-1:25 p.m. Objectives and overview of the call for proposals – Luiz DaSilva, CCI executive director
1:25-1:50 p.m. Panel: What are potential roles of cybersecurity and AI in detecting, limiting, and deterring the spread of misinformation and disinformation?
- Iria Giuffrida, Professor of the Practice of Law, William & Mary [moderator]
- Aaron Brantly, Assistant Prof., Political Science, Virginia Tech [propaganda and national security]
- Hemant Purohit, Assistant Prof., Information Sciences & Technology, George Mason University [human behavior online]
- Sergei Samoilenko, Assistant Prof., Communication, George Mason University [character assassination and reputation management]
- Lucy Wittkower, Head of Teaching & Learning Initiatives, Old Dominion University Libraries [teaching information literacy]
1:50-2 p.m. Open discussion and closing
Registration Information
Register here. If you have problems with registration, please contact Susie Kuliasha at
About CCI Events
With a mission of research, innovation, and workforce development, the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) focuses on the intersection of security, autonomous systems, and data. Funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia, CCI is a highly connected statewide network that engages institutions of higher education, industry, government, and nongovernmental and economic development organizations. CCI’s network includes 39 higher education institutions and 320 faculty members as well as more than 20 industry partners. CCI was established in the 2018-20 Virginia budget with an investment of approximately $20 million annually from 2020 and beyond. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Thanks for your interest! Please contact Kendall Beebe at to get involved.
Please email Kendall Beebe at