Andrew Franck
Meet Andrew Franck, a student at Regent University.

(Answers have been edited for clarity and length)
Where are you from/where do you call home?
I was born and raised in Minnesota. I have lived in a couple of states since moving away, and I am currently residing in Virginia, but Minnesota will always be where I call home and see my family.
What drew you to the cybersecurity field?
The versatility and critical thinking aspects. Cybersecurity encompasses a lot of domains, and there is a wide variety of skill sets you need to be successful. I have a strong aptitude for problem-solving, critical thinking, and learning as much as possible. Naturally, these characteristics lead me right to the field.
Describe some useful takeaways you learned from CCI events.
I took part in CCI's CyberFusion event in 2022 and 2023.
The biggest takeaway from the event was that it led to an internship at CACI. Meeting all the recruiters from the job fair and showcasing who I am and what I can do was extremely beneficial and led to numerous interviews.
I had never heard of CACI before the CCI CyberFusion event, and without it, I would never have applied for the position.
I'm very fortunate CCI hosted this opportunity because it led me to a company that prioritizes cybersecurity and has a strong mission statement that aligns with my personal goals.
What do you hope to learn as an intern?
The thing I hope to learn most is hands-on experience. The experience and knowledge I gain through this internship will be invaluable throughout my professional career.
Working collectively with a team of experienced professionals and receiving guidance, mentorship, and feedback enhances my learning and helps me develop professionally and personally.
What’s the best advice you’d give to students or career-changers interested in the cybersecurity field?
Attend the CTF (capture-the-flag) tournaments like the one hosted by CCI. There are always companies recruiting from these events, and you have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills and talk one-on-one with a recruiter.
An added benefit to this is that you also have the opportunity to expand your network at these events, which is crucial if you're changing career fields or just starting.