William Shelley
Meet William Shelley, CACI Intern and Employee, Virginia Military Institute.

(Answers have been edited for clarity and length)
Where are you from/where do you call home?
Charlotte, North Carolina.
What drew you to the cybersecurity field?
I was initially drawn to the field because of how many opportunities there seemed to be. But as time has gone on, I grew a genuine interest.
Describe some useful takeaways you learned from CCI events.
Cyber Fusion has been my favorite CCI event, by far.
I learned so much in two days about the industry, and what employers were looking for in applications. Getting to meet the top cyber students from other schools was amazing.
At Cyber Fusion, I also met representatives from CACI, which is why I applied to the CACI summer internship last year.
What did you hope to learn as an intern?
I hoped to get introduced to things that I had never heard of before, and that definitely happened.
What’s the best advice you’d give to students or career changers interested in the cybersecurity field?
Be passionate about your work; if you are enjoying the work you are doing in cybersecurity, you will be a success.