srsRAN Project Fall Workshop 2024
Oct. 1-2, 2024

The Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) and Software Radio Systems (SRS) are hosting the srsRAN Project Fall Workshop on Oct. 1-2, 2024, at the Virginia Tech Research Center in Arlington, Va.
The workshop will unite a community from academia, industry, and government. Participants will hear from leading experts in Open RAN, Mobile Wireless Security, and Next-Generation Wireless technologies.
The program will include talks, panel sessions, technical presentations, and workshops conducted by the srsRAN Project developers and community members. Users and the SRS team will share their experiences using the srsRAN Project to further their R&D objectives.
Speakers Include:

Thomas W. Rondeau, principal director for the Department of Defense’s FutureG Office, will deliver the keynote speech.
Rondeau guides the DOD on research, funding, and execution of programs around warfighting capabilities using future generation wireless technologies while advancing wireless networking concepts for national security.
Before taking his current position, Rondeau spent more than six years as a DARPA program manager, working on numerous technology areas to improve wireless networking and communications.
Rondeau holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech.

Francisco Paisana, a staff engineer at SRS, will discuss “An Introduction to the srsRAN DU-high," discussing important aspects of the software stack, from RLC to MAC and scheduling.
The presentation will include such features as RAN slicing, performance benchmarking, and RIC integration.
Paisana, a member of IEEE, received the master’s degree in electrical engineering and computers from Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal, and a Ph.D. in wireless communications from Trinity College Dublin. His research interests include software-defined radio, spectrum sharing, machine learning, and digital signal processing.

Sudharman Jayaweera is a National Science Foundation (NSF) program director with primary responsibility for advanced telecommunications and immersive technologies.
Within the Directorate of Technology, Innovation and Partnerships at the NSF, he works in the emerging technologies section of the division of Innovation Technology and Ecosystems.
His presentation is “From Open-source O-RAN to Next-G Open & Integrated Networks.”
Jayaweera earned an MA and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Princeton University.

Tracy Van Brakle, an expert member of technical staff at AT&T Labs CTO RAN, is co-chair or a key contributor to several open source projects and standards development organizations.
She is the principal investigator (PI) of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund
project “ACCoRD” (Accelerating Compatibility and Commercialization of open RAN for Deployments), and the PI of the National Science Foundation/Department of Defense Convergence Accelerator project “INDIGO” (Intelligent Networks Designed and Integrated for Globalized Operations).
She’ll present “How open source reference designs accelerate commercial adoption; the role(s) srsRAN might play in both O-RAN OSFG and NTIA PWSCIF ACCoRD.”

Xavier Arteaga, who heads up the srsRAN PHY team. Xavi will present “Demystifying the srsRAN Physical Layer,” breaking down the main elements of the srsRAN PHY and providing users with a deeper understanding of one of the most complex layers of the srsRAN stack.
Arteaga is a staff engineer at SRS specializing in 5G NR Physical Layer.
Previously, he was a software product engineer at Ficosa.
He attended the University of Surrey and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Justin Tallon, SDR lead on a nationwide IoT testbed (Pervasive Nation) for the CONNECT Centre in Trinity College Dublin and as a senior software engineer for Software Radio Systems, will discuss “srsRAN & the RIC: Monitoring and Control over theE2 Interface.”
Tallon holds a B.A.I (B Eng.) and a Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin in the area of reconfigurable wireless networks.
His research interests are in the area of software-defined radio (SDR) and the development of base-band radio functionality in software.
He has been project lead in a collaboration with UTRC, related to the use of wireless signals to sense and characterize the movement in the physical environment.
He captained the winning team of the DySpan Spectrum Challenge and worked part-time in R&D at Xilinx, helping with the development of a new product.

Joaquim Broquetas Ruiz of the srsRAN development team will speak on “Power Calibration with srsRAN.”
He attended the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Middlesex University.
This talk will provide users with a deeper understanding of how srsRAN works with RF-front ends, and how users can calibrate the TX and RX power of signals to achieve optimal performance over the air.
This talk will be of interest to those working directly with RF equipment or who need to get the best configuration possible for a testbed.

Nils Fuerste of srsRAN will discuss “srsRAN with K8s: From Github to Deployment.”
Fuerste attended Ruhr University Bochum, where he earned a bachelor’s degree information technology security.
Kubernetes (K8s) are widely used in cloud-RAN deployments and are becoming a key feature of large-scale deployments.
This talk will guide users through the process of using K8s with srsRAN, from the ground up, to show just how easy it is to achieve cloud deployments with srsRAN Project. This talk will be of interest to those working in cloud deployments, network monitoring, or working SMO tools.
Tracy Van Brakle will moderate the discussion which includes panelists Adrian O'Connor, Andre Puschmann, CCI xG Testbed Director Aloizio P. Silva, Ammon Cadogan, Ashkan Beigi and Ashutosh Dutta.
They’ll address the requirements, challenges and potential of OpenRAN networks for mobile wireless R&D.
Watch an Overview of 2023's srsRan Fall Workshop
About the hosts
SRS works to develop high-performance software radio solutions for 4G and 5G, with complete UE and RAN solutions, supporting the creation of new mobile services.
CCI is home to the xG Testbed, which is an O-RAN ALLIANCE Open Testing and Integration Center (OTIC).