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Mobile Security (Android) through Experiential Learning

Researchers aim is to develop the Android security workforce through: bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge of classrooms; practical skills needed in real-world cybersecurity roles; applying cybersecurity knowledge and skills to tackle practical problems; and effective teamwork among students with diverse backgrounds and skills.

Funded by the CCI Hub

Rationale and Background

As of March 2024, Android commands almost 71 percent of the global smartphone market. Android is also increasingly being utilized in emerging IoT and wearable devices. 

The Android operating system presents significant cybersecurity challenges as attackers seek to exploit the platform for financial gain.


This program directly addresses urgent cybersecurity challenges within the rapidly evolving mobile security landscape and to develop the Android security workforce. The focus will be on overcoming key challenges, including: 

Researchers will recruit 15 undergraduate students from the Department of Data Science at William & Mary and another 15 from the Department of Information Sciences and Technology at George Mason University. These students will participate in a capstone course held concurrently at both universities. 

The first phase will be an introduction to the Android operating system, security features, threats, and traditional and cutting-edge security techniques. 

In the second phase, researchers will select 20 students (10 from each university) with a thorough understanding of the initial teachings. Activities will include: 

  • The team will convene online biweekly. Google and Visa representatives will attend key team meetings. 
  • Students will be encouraged to participate in cybersecurity events such as the CCI Symposium. 
  • Students will be evaluated on various aspects, including the degree of project completion, work quality, and group cooperation performance. Representatives from Google and Visa, will be involved in the evaluation process. 

Projected Outcomes

Researchers plan to:

  • Equip students with foundational and advanced knowledge and skills in Android security.
  • Foster practical problem-solving capabilities through direct collaboration with industry leaders such as Google and Visa.
  • Enhance communication and cooperative skills through cross-university teamwork and partnerships between academia and industry. 
  • Facilitates immediate professional pathways for students by collaborating with industry giants like Google and Visa.