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Research Showcase June 2024

CCI is presenting some of our researchers’ exciting work through selected papers that have been presented, published, or accepted for publication in 2023 and 2024.

Submissions came from CCI researchers at George Mason University,  James Madison University, Old Dominion University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Tech, and William & Mary. 

Many papers were the product of collaborations between researchers at multiple CCI member universities, as well as institutions in other states and nations.

Papers are focused on cybersecurity, have benefited from CCI funding, and acknowledge CCI’s contribution in the publication/presentation.

Read the abstracts to get an overall idea of the researchers’ findings, then take the opportunity to learn more by reading the paper in its entirety.

Selected papers

Papers focus on a variety of areas of cybersecurity, including:


Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Transmission Interlock System: Building a personalized machine-learning algorithm calibrated to test drivers’ sobriety while protecting their privacy. 


All  are of James Madison University

  • Publication/Conference: 2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS)
  • Date: 31 May 31, 2023

Strategic Resilience Evaluation of Neural Networks within Autonomous Vehicle Software: Exploring safety pitfalls of deep neural networks used in autonomic vehicles in the presence of transient hardware faults.


  • Publication/Conference: SAFECOMP 2024, 43rd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SafeComp) 
  • Date: Sept. 17-20, 2024

CANShield: Deep-Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Framework for Controller Area Networks at the Signal Level: Developing the CANShield to protect controller area network (CAN) bus from injection attacks. 


  • Publication/Conference: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • Date: Dec. 15, 2023


A Zero Trust Framework for Realization and Defense Against Generative AI Attacks in Power Grid: Using a novel zero trust framework to recognize and protect against attack vectors.


  • Publication/Conference: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications.
  • Date: June 9-13, 2024.

A Machine Learning-Based Temperature Control Security Against FDI Attacks in Smart Buildings: Incorporating machine learning-driven anomaly detection into control systems for optimal indoor climate regulation.


  • Publication/Conference: Workshop on Sensors and Smart Cities (SSC 2024) of IEEE SmartComp 2024
  • Date: June 2024

Resilient Power Sharing in a 100% Inverter-Based Power System Under GPS Spoofing Attacks: Improving control algorithm accuracy by fortifying existing power grid controllers against cyberattacks.


All are of Virginia Tech.

  • Publication/Conference: 2023 Power and Energy Society General Meeting
  • Date: Sept. 25, 2023

P4CONTROL: Line-Rate Cross-Host Attack Prevention via In-Network Information Flow Control Enabled by Programmable Switches and eBPF: Leveraging programmable data to enforce information flow control at the network-level, using network infrastructure to block sophisticated attackers.


All are of Virginia Tech

  • Publication/Conference: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2024
  • Date: May 20, 2024


Malicious RIS vs. Massive MIMO: Securing Multiple Access Against RIS-Based Jamming Attacks: Developing an algorithm to optimize RIS reflection coefficients without knowing legitimate user channels.


  • Publication/Conference: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
  • Date: April 2024

Machine Learning

Probing Weaknesses in GPU Reliability Assessment: A Cross-Layer Approach: Conducting a characterization study with extensive fault injection experiments on GPU applications to protect vulnerable systems.


  • Publication/Conference: 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024


OSINT Research Studios: A Flexible Crowdsourcing Framework to Scale Up Open Source Intelligence Investigations: Developing a sociotechnical framework to provide training and scaffolding to support OSINT investigations.


  • Publication/Conference: 2024 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
  • Date: Nov. 9-13, 2024


SOK: Side Channel Monitoring for Additive Manufacturing - Bridging Cybersecurity and Quality Assurance Communities: Consolidating and systemizing knowledge to explore SCs in additive manufacturing while highlighting QA and cybersecurity communities’ collaboration opportunities.


All are of Virginia Commonwealth University.

  • Publication/Conference: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P'23)
  • Date: July 2023


An Analysis of Recent Advances in Deepfake Image Detection in an Evolving Threat Landscape: Developing concrete and specific future work directions to build resilient and reliable deepfake detectors.


  • Publication/Conference: IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy
  • Date: March 8, 2024

Other  Papers of Note

We also thought these papers were worth letting our community explore.

Differentiating Insider and Outsider Cyberattacks on Businesses: Examining  insider vs. outsider cyberattacks on Virginia businesses; internal threats can cause more financial damage and have a longer effect on businesses.

Authors: Thomas E. Dearden, (Virginia Tech); Katalin Parti (Virginia Tech); James Hawdon (Virginia Tech); Randy Gainey (Old Dominion University); Tancy Vandecar-Burdin (Old Dominion University); and Jay Albanese (Virginia Commonwealth University). 

Publication/Conference, Date: American Journal of Criminal Justice, August 2023

Mitigating False Data Injection Attacks on Inverter Set Points in a 100% Inverter-Based Microgrid: Developing a long short-term memory-based method to mitigate/detect false data injection attacks in a 100% inverter-based microgrid.

Authors: Milad Beikbabaei; Mario Montano; Ali Mehrizi-Sani; and Chen-Ching Liu (all of Virginia Tech).

Publication/Conference, Date: 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), February 2024

Pri-Share: Enabling Inter-SAS Privacy Protection via Secure Multi-Party Spectrum Allocation: Utilizing homomorphic encryption and private set union (PSU) techniques, Pri-Share ensures that sensitive information  remains confidential while enabling efficient and fair spectrum allocation.

Authors: Hexuan Yu; Shanghao Shi; Yi Shi; Eric BurgerY. Thomas Hou; and Wenjing Lou. (All of Virginia Tech; Burger is also of the CCI Hub).

Publication/Conference, Date: IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks 2024,  Feb. 3, 2024

Understanding the Landscape of Cyberbiosecurity for integrative Educational Programming: Exploring integrative cyberbiosecurity education for agriculture and life sciences professionals through workforce development programming.

Authors:  Samson O. Adeoye, Feras Batarseh, Anne M. Brown, and Eric K. Kaufman. (All are of Virginia Tech; Batarseh is also of the CCI Hub.)

Publication/Conference, Date: Journal of the ASABE, Nov. 21, 2023