Yi Shi

Get to Know Me
How I’d capture the essence of my work in a newspaper headline ...
Developing high-performance, practical, and low-cost NextG wireless networks
Current University
Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, Virginia Tech
Research Areas
Shi’s research focuses on machine learning, algorithm design, and optimization for 5G and NextG networks, cognitive radio networks, MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) and cooperative communication networks, sensor networks, ad hoc networks, satellite networks, and social networks.
Shi is a research associate professor at the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, a research associate professor (by courtesy) in Virginia Tech’s Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and affiliate faculty at Virginia Tech’s National Security Institute’s Intelligent Systems Division.
His work has appeared in IEEE and ACM journals and top-tier international conferences. He is a recipient of:
- Test of Time Paper Award at IEEE INFOCOM 2023.
- Best Paper Award at IEEE HST 2018.
- Best Student Paper Award at ACM WUWNet 2014.
- Best Paper Award Runner-Up at IEEE INFOCOM 201.
- Best Paper Award at IEEE INFOCOM 2008.
Shi was an IEEE INFOCOM 2021 Distinguished TPC member and IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials Exemplary Editor in 2014.
He is an editor for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials and IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, and was a co-chair for several IEEE and ACM Workshops, Conference Tracks, and Symposia.
Alma Mater
Virginia Tech