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Luiz DaSilva

Executive Director

Portrait of Luiz DaSilva, executive director of CCI
Get to Know Me

Something that excites me in my field...
The fact that it evolves so rapidly that all of us are constantly learning.

My work impacts society...
because secure communication networks deployed broadly are key to more equitable and sustainable work, education, and production.

When visitors come in from out of town, the first place I take them to is...
the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Current University
Virginia Tech

Research Area
Wireless networks, resource management, game theory

Research Summary
Luiz DaSilva's research focuses on adaptive resource management in wireless networks, including cognitive networks and the application of game theory to wireless networks. He works to make the next generation of networks more reliable, robust, and efficient.

DaSilva is the inaugural Executive Director of the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI), and the Bradley Professor of Cybersecurity at Virginia Tech.

DaSilva previously held the chair of Telecommunications at Trinity College Dublin, where he served as the Director of CONNECT, a national telecommunications research center in Ireland.

He has published two books and more than 300 peer-reviewed articles, and chaired the Technical Program for ICC 2020, one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Communications Society. He was an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer (2015-2018), a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin, and is a Fellow of the IEEE, for contributions to cognitive networking and to resource management in wireless networks.

Alma Mater
The University of Kansas