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Jayasimha Atulasimha

Virginia Commonwealth University

Portrait of Jayasimha Atulasimha

Current University
Virginia Commonwealth University

Research Areas
Nanomagnetism, spintronics, multiferroics, nanomagnetic memory and neuromorphic computing devices


Atulasimha  is a Qimonda Professor of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering with a courtesy appointment in Electrical and Computer Engineering at VCU, and associate director of Research and Innovation at VCU’s Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environment.

He has written or co-authored journal publications on magnetostrictive materials, magnetization dynamics, spintronics and nanomagnetic computing.

He is a fellow of the ASME, an IEEE Senior Member and current chair for the TC on Spintronics, IEEE Nanotechnology Council. 

and associate director of Research and Innovation at VCU’s Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environment.

Holds a Ph.D. and master’s in aerospace engineering, and a bachelor of technology in mechanical engineering.

Alma Maters
University of Maryland, College Park

Indian Institute of Technology