Joao Santos

Get to Know Me
I first discovered my passion for this work...
when I used a spectrum analyzer for the first time and I could see the results of my work in the real world.
I find the most joy in my work when...
working with curious and passionate people.
The book(s) currently on my nightstand...
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
My favorite quote is...
"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms." — Muriel Rukeyser
Current University
CCI Hub, Virginia Tech
Research Area
Radio Resource Management
Research Summary
Joao Santos main research interests include radio resource management, radio virtualization, network slicing, network security, and end-to-end network orchestration.
Santos, a research assistant professor, is a 5G Testbed and AI Assurance Researcher with the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) at Virginia Tech.
His experience includes developing software-defined radio systems, implementing radio virtualization mechanisms, and bridging SDR with SDN in support of programmable end-to-end communication networks.
Alma Mater
Universidade Federal Fluminense