Kevin Moberly

Get to Know Me
My work impacts society...
by helping people leverage the potentials of games and gaming to address otherwise difficult problems.
Something I learned about my research this year that surprised me...
Many prominent critics in the mid-Victorian era regarded the Renaissance as a historical wrong turn.
I find the most joy in my work when...
I am building and testing prototypes.
Current University
Old Dominion University
Research Area
Game design, development, and criticism
Research Summary
Kevin Moberly applies the creative and critical possibilities of games to real-world problems. His research focuses on understanding how digital manifestations of popular culture reflect, contribute to, and transform contemporary cultural, political, and historical discourses. In particular, he is interested in the ways that contemporary computer games encode labor, often blurring already uneasy distinctions between work and play.
Moberly is the Program Director of the Game Design, Development, and Criticism major at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.
His work has appeared in a number of peer-reviewed journals and scholarly collections, including Computers and Composition, Eludimos, Kairos, Works and Days, Studies in Medievalism and This Year’s Work in Medievalism. Kevin has received a number of awards while at ODU, including a Hixon Fellowship from the ODU English department, a university Teaching with Technology Award, and an Entsminger Entrepreneurial Fellowship.
Alma Mater
University of Louisiana at Lafayette