Thomas Hou
Virginia Tech

Current University
Virginia Tech
Research Areas
Real-time optimization of wireless systems; spectrum sharing and dynamic spectrum access; 5G/next-G wireless communications; wireless security
Hou is a Bradley Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and an IEEE Fellow. He holds a Ph.D., an M.S., and a B.E.
Previously, he was a researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories of America.
He has published extensively in IEEE and ACM transactions/journals and top-tier IEEE/ACM conferences. He received nine best paper awards from IEEE and ACM, including IEEE INFOCOM 2008 and 2021 Best Paper Awards. He also holds six U.S patents.
Hou is a co-editor of the graduate textbook Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks: Principles and Practices (Academic Press/Elsevier, 2010), which was listed as one of the Best Readings on Cognitive Radio by IEEE Communications Society. His second graduate textbook was entitled Applied Optimization Methods for Wireless Networks (Cambridge University Press in May 2014).
Alma Maters
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Columbia University
City College of New York