Mohammad GhasemiGol
Old Dominion University

Get to Know Me
How I'd capture the essence of my work in a newspaper headline ...
Mohammad GhasemiGol has a passion for exploring innovative solutions to tackle cybersecurity challenges.
Current University
Old Dominion University
Research Areas
Cybersecurity and AI
GhasemiGol is a research assistant professor in Old Dominion University’s School of Cybersecurity.
He holds BS and MS degrees in Computer Engineering. For his Ph.D., he specialized in alert management and intrusion response systems.
During his Ph.D. studies, he worked with the Information Security and Privacy: Interdisciplinary Research and Education (INSPIRE) group at the University of North Texas (UNT)Mohammad GhasemiGol .
Before joining ODU, he was at the University of Birjand (UoB) as an assistant professor in the department of computer engineering. He was also the director of the Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) and director of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) at UoB for more than 4 years.
He later joined Imperial College London as an associate researcher in the Resilient Information Systems Security (RISS) Group, as a part of cyber security competence for research and innovation (CONCORDIA) project.
After that, he was a research assistant professor in the University of North Dakota’s College of Engineering & Mines.
Alma Maters
Payame Noor University
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad