Safdar Hussain Bouk
Safdar Hussain Bouk

Get to Know Me
Something that excites me in my field...
New wireless technologies improve services but surface new challenges that need to be resolved.
How I’d capture the essence of my work in a newspaper headline...
Wireless technologies satisfy the data, security, and mobility demands of wireless and mobile applications.
Something I learned in my research this year that surprised me...
The near perfectness of technologies in the presence of unresolved underlying issues within its foundations.
I first discovered my passion for this work...
When I visited University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign immediately after completing my bachelors in computer engineering as a visiting scholar.
I find the most joy in my work when...
I work with a team that takes the challenge head-on.
The book currently on my nightstand...
The Survivors
My favorite quote...
"Be honest without thought of hell or heaven."
Current University
Old Dominion University
Research Area
Future Internet Architectures, Resource allocation in 5G, and Everything above PHY in Wireless and NextG Networks
Bouk is a research assistant professor in the Virginia, Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC) at Old Dominion University (ODU).
He served as a research professor at DGIST in South Korea, and assistant professor at COMSATS University Islamabad in Pakistan. Safdar is a senior member of IEEE, and a lifetime member and a certified professional engineer by the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
He is currently serving as an editorial board member for many journals, program committee member for conferences, and founding chair of the workshop series FAFNET.
Bouk is the recipient of Monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship.
Alma Mater
Keio University