Carl Elks
Carl Elks

Get to Know Me
Something that excites me in my field...
Technology that can radically change our society from carbon-based to a sustainable carbon free.
My work affects society because ...
My work seeks to make technology safer, more secure and affordable for energy and transportation needs of our society.
How I’d capture the essence of my work in a newspaper headline ...
Making systems more secure and dependable through less complex and more verifiable designs.
My favorite quote:
"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life."
— Arther Ashe
The last time I stepped out of my comfort zone ...
My hidden talent...
I am a mediator
Current University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Research Summary
Elks’ professional experience and research interests are in the analysis, design and assessment of secure and dependable embedded cyber physical systems of the type found in critical infrastructure such as nuclear power, advanced flight systems, smart and connected cities, electric power, and transportation.
Elks is an associate professor at VCU.
His recent research and teaching interests include cyber physical systems, biologically inspired digital systems, system-level fault injection, cyber threat and vulnerability analysis, human systems interactions in complex systems, and unmanned autonomous vehicles.
Prior to joining the faculty at VCU, he was a staff scientist at NASA, and the University of Virginia. He is actively involved in research for the modernization of nuclear power, advancing safe technology for air urban mobility vehicles, and safe and secure medical systems.
Alma Mater
University of Virginia