Jeffrey Reed

Get to Know Me
I first discovered my passion for this work...
by buildiing my first radio when I was 10 years old.
Something I learned in my research this year that surprised me...
The various applications of adversarial learning to wireless systems
My favorite quote is...
"Make it simple, but not too simple."
Current University
Virginia Tech
Research Area
Wireless communications and security
Research Summary
Jeffrey Reed's research works to create innovative solutions to communication systems and applications. His current areas of expertise are in software-defined radios (SDRs), AI-enabled 5G wireless, wireless security/information assurance, interference analysis, 5G and beyond, and vehicular communications.
Reed is the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative's chief technology officer (CTO). He is also the Willis G. Worcester Professor of electrical and computer engineering at Virginia Tech.
He is the founding director of Wireless@Virginia Tech, one of the largest and most comprehensive university wireless research groups in the U.S. In 2010, he founded Virginia Tech’s Ted and Karyn Hume Center for National Security and Technology and served as its interim director.
Reed has served as a consultant for numerous organizations and recently was a consultant in the AT&T/T-Mobile merger and the band plan strategy for the 600 MHz auctions. He has served on the technical advisory boards for six companies and as an informal advisor on national policy regarding wireless issues, most notably serving on the President’s Council of Advisors in Science and Technology (PCAST) Working Group on how to transition federal spectrum for commercial economic benefits. In 2014, he was selected to be a member of CSMAC, the advisory group on spectrum issues for the U.S. Department of Commerce. He has also co-founded several companies, including Federated Wireless.
He previously served on the editorial board for the Proceedings of the IEEE, and is currently serving on the editorial board of Wiley Press. In 2013, he received the International Achievement award from the Wireless Innovations forum for the impact of his accumulated research. In 2014 Reed served as a co-chair for the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Network conference.
Alma Mater
Reed received his Ph.D., his Master’s, and his B.S., all in electrical and computer engineering, from the University of California, Davis in 1987, 1980, and 1979 respectively.