Tamer Nadeem

Current University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Research Area
Wireless networking and mobile computing systems including smart wireless systems, mobile and edge computing, software-defined networks, machine learning in networking, network security and privacy, Internet-of-things & smart city systems, vehicular networks, and intelligent transportation systems.
Research Summary
Tamer Nadeem's research is funded by several federal agencies and industries including the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Federal Highway Administration, Siemens Corporate Research, AT&T Labs, Microsoft, Nokia-Bell Labs, and Google.
Nadeem is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). He is also the assistant director of VCU Cybersecurity Center and the founder of the Mobile Systems and Intelligent Communication (MuSIC) Lab at the Department of Computer Science at VCU. Prior to VCU, he was a senior research scientist at Siemens Corporate Technology in Princeton, NJ.
Nadeem holds 5 U.S. patents and has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed top scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books. Nadeem serves as a member of the technical and organizing committees of various ACM and IEEE conferences. He is currently serving on the Journal Editorial Board of IET Communications journal and MDPI Sensors.
Alma Mater
Nadeem received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2006.