Eyuphan Bulut

Get to Know Me
Something that excites me in my field...
Device-free WiFi sensing and applications (soil sensing, health-sensing), Joint WiFi sensing and networking and its privacy impacts, federated learning on edge devices, and network slicing in next generation mobile systems
My work impacts society...
by providing cybersecurity-aware wireless networking systems, by facilitating human-life through smart IoT based solutions, and by increasing the performance of next generation networking systems.
The most courageous thing I've done...
Leaving industry and joining academia
Current University
Virginia Commonwealth University
Research Area
Wireless networks, mobile computing and sensing, cybersecurity and privacy of mobile networks, cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things
Eyuphan Bulut is an associate professor with the Department of Computer Science, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), in Richmond, VA. He previously worked as a senior engineer in Mobile Internet Technology Group (MITG) group of Cisco Systems in Richardson, TX for 4.5 years.
Bulut has served as an associate editor in IEEE Access, and as a guest editor in Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal. He has also served on the organization committee of several conferences including IEEE LCN, LANMAN, Resilience Week. In addition to CCI, his research has also been funded by National Science Foundation, Air Force Research Lab, and VCU Presidential Research Quest Fund. He has published over 90 journal/conference papers. He received the best demo award in Percom 2020 and spotlight (best) paper of TPDS Dec 2012 Issue. He is a senior member of the IEEE and a member of ACM.
Alma Mater
Bulut holds a Ph.D in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and an M.S and B.S. from Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.