Jack Stankovic

Get to Know Me
Something that excited me in my field...
is applying research to socially relevant questions.
My work impacts society...
by reducing stress of caregivers of Alzheimer patients and improving smart city services without social bias.
I first discovered my passion for this work...
when building wireless sensor networks for military applications.
The last thing that really made me laugh...
my grandson's jokes.
Current University
University of Virginia
Research Area
Cyber physcial systems, smart health, and smart cities
Research Summary
Jack Stankovic's research applies machine learning in smart health and smart cities.
Stankovic is the BP America Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia.
Among many other accolades, he has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of York for his work in real-time systems. He has also given more than 40 keynote talks at conferences and many Distinguished Lectures at major Universities.
Alma Mater
Brown University