Tanner Upthegrove

Get to Know Me
Something that excites me in my field...
is seeing someone light up with excitement when experiencing immersive audio for the first time.
My work impacts society...
as both modes of exploration and inspiration for creativity in the arts.
I find the most joy in my work when...
several iterations culminate in a working prototype.
The best advice I've ever received...
Iterate and take small steps; celebrate small successes.
Current University
Virginia Tech
Research Area
Spatial Audio
Research Summary
Tanner Upthegrove's research focuses on immersive audio systems to explore science, engineering, art, and design challenges.
Upthegrove, MFA in Spatial Audio and Technical Direction, CTS, thrives at the intersection of arts and technology as Immersive Audio Specialist for Virginia Tech's Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology. He designs audiovisual systems with a focus on networked technologies, as well as sound for multichannel audio systems integrating wireless tracking systems and Internet of Things (IoT) data.
Upthegrove has facilitated several telematic concerts, connecting geographically distant participants across North America. He has presented spatial audio at the Audio Engineering Society, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the International Congress on Sound and Vibration and Moogfest. He is published by the AES, the IEEE, and the Computer Music Journal. Upthegrove has collaborated with Sound Artist Stephen Vitiello, and Trey Spruance of Secret Chiefs 3.
Alma Mater
Virginia Tech